A quick update on the medication front (because I know everyone's dying of curiosity)...
Things got more stable, I met with my doc to discuss treatment options after he said "lithium" and I said "hell no." We've pushed it off to a more last-ditch effort option, which I'm more comfortable with. 1 in 25 people develop a goiter (what?!?!) and I have to do regular blood tests to make sure I'm not destroying my kidneys.
Anyway, the lithium bullet is dodged for now. I'm trying to finish up my paper on "The Stranger" and Camus' use of language to create "the absurd." I can't even begin to explain the concept in less than a five page paper, so you're on your own. Just don't rely on the current Wikipedia entry; no good.
We also had the fantastic luck to get tickets to "Moby Dick: Rehearsed," a semi-comedic/drama version of the book put together by Orson Welles (yes, Animal Farm Welles). It was in the Beckman auditorium at CalTech(the ceiling looks like Las Vegas threw up on it; it's so great! Michael and I are trying to figure out how we can work the theme into our bedroom). The actors were amazingly talented and it had the good luck to be scheduled right before the due date on my paper comparing/contrasting the function of nature upon humanity in Moby Dick and The Scarlet Letter. I'm loving the theme, but a little behind because Melville...well...Melville didn't know when to shut up, and it is taking me forever to wade through that inability. Sorry Herman.
Anyway, there you go. We bought bikes to exercise and run errands around town, and one mile up the road this morning my chain system broke. Poo! We're exchanging it tomorrow. We also got a humidifier to help deal with the bloody nose issue (yes, we have one), which is working out just fine. Clio is still working on getting over her fascination with it.
That's mostly it. We're both plugging along as well as we can. I've spent most of today on the sofa because I tweaked my back, or something. At least it makes me sit down and write some.
Happy Saturday...