Monday, June 9, 2008

Blog frequency directly related to illness... have you noticed?

Have you often noticed that it's not exactly uncommon for me to start a blog explaining to you how I'm sick? I think I've discovered that's one of the few times I'm sitting on the sofa and don't really feel well enough to do something productive (i.e. read a book, clean the house, write a paper, etc), so hey, time to blog.

And yes, I was home from work for most of today with a killer headache. I NEVER used to have headaches. About...oh, three years ago, though, that completely changed. It's true: your body does start to slowly decompose after 21.

My brother is getting married in...13 days! Exciting, huh? I'm glad we get Ashley in the family; she's amazing. And has awesome style. Mike and I are candle-lighters. Since it involves lighting things on fire, it seems he's really looking forward to it.

Ok, I give up for now. Going to go whine more about my head. Happy Monday...

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