Friday, January 11, 2008

Just Stuff

I have everything in the world going on at work, but I really can't deal with it away from the office (or it would take over my life), so be assured that I'm not callously going about my day and ignoring people close to me in pain... I've just been dealing with those emotions all week. Break time.

Saw Punch-Drunk Love. I loved it. I really did. It was Adam Sandler in a perpetually nasty blue suit, but it was great. Cinematography is really unique; check it out.

I'm working on my first paper for grad school: The Scarlet Letter (it's like being 15 in American Lit all over again!). I'm enjoying it so far, though.

Some of the other secretaries and profs are starting a reading group based on the Nobel Laureates called "The Liminal Salon." We're all way awesome. And angsty, since our first read is Camus' The Stranger. And no, no one I've spoken to has been able to pinpoint the pronunciation of that name.

And...that's that, pretty much. Life is busy, but moderately boring (better than busy and interesting...that was last year).

Maybe tomorrow will be more a non-stressful way. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

univrsltransl8r said...

Ooo! L’Étranger! I love existentialism!! =D