Tuesday, May 6, 2008

C'est La Vie

I was reading back to earlier this year where I blogged some crack about how I was looking forward to things picking up and becoming interesting. Well, so far for '08 mike and I have had:

A sibling end up in ICU
A co-worker pass away
Our cat pass away
Mike's job get cut for next year
A major health upset for me

Really, we're only a 1/3 of the way into '08, right? RIGHT?

Don't get me wrong; good things have happened as well. I'm just not used to all of the bad ganging up and hitting us all at once. Ah, well. I think I'm feeling extra down because I was hit with this weird flu thing today. Shakes, fever, nausea, whole deal!

Good news, though: I have decided on the subject for my independent study grad class, which will hopefully culminate in the cementing of my thesis. Ready? The effects of German Romanticism on late 19th Century American Literature! YAYYY! Of course it will get way, way more narrowed down than that, but it's a start.

Oh, one of the best movies I've seen lately? Juno. I know I'm just about the last person in the country to jump on that particular bandwagon, but give me a break! The pitfalls of no television.

Just about to start reading Jesus for President. I'll let you know how it goes.

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