Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ode to House

I'm addicted to House. It's true. We don't have tv, but we do have Netflix.

House-commercials=obsessive entertainment.

The Simpsons on DVD is a close second.

So right now I'm avoiding starting dinner (raw chicken...icky). It's the left-over vegetarian reflex that clashes with the Obsessive Compulsive reflex: chicken, eww, overcook and wash everything 8 times.

And after that, I have every intention of reading my philosophy material. As part of the Humanities degree, there are a certain number of "experiencing the humanities" courses I have to take. So far, the ones that were the most mind-numbing are the ones I already have an undergrad degree in. Hmmm...

And, on a parting note, isn't it completely awesome how medical shows break out Makita's and drill into people's skulls? Yes!

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