Sunday, October 7, 2007

Birthday...Part 1

So, I have officially celebrated the first weekend of my birthday stretch. Since my birthday is Wednesday, I get BOTH weekends. How awesome is that?

Anyway, Friday: I took the day off of work (I got a day for my birthday), marathoned on my papers and ran errands, then went down to Disneyland. IT WAS INSANELY CROWDED. Everyone and their mom thought D-land was the place to be that random Friday in October. So we left shortly after seeing the Haunted Mansion all dolled-up for Halloween. We got on the road, realized we were heading home in 6:00 pm Friday traffic, and promptly detoured to IKEA to kill some time. Nothing too special (other than the fact that we got to hang out in IKEA, which is always nifty). I think we bought a microplane and a corkscrew.

Got BACK on the freeway, and sat. For an hour. Moved about a mile...maybe two. Got off freeway. Went to Best Buy to look at laptops. (Michael and I have been sharing my broken, super-slow laptop for about a month...the insanity has to stop). Got back on freeway. Sat for 1 1/2 hours. Moved miles. Finally passed a five car pile-up; it looked bad. Hope everyone was ok. We finally got home wayy after ten. Geesh!

Saturday: Got up, got coffee, BOUGHT A LAPTOP!!!! YAY! Scary as all heck to drop that much money on something that I didn't drive or live in, but it happens. Anyway, we got a to-die-for deal on a way-tricky HP. It has a lot of gig and ram and... techno stuff. And it looks pretty, which was my favorite part (Michael would tell me it looks "sexy." I have a hard time giving that title to hardware, but whatever). Oh, and we got our desk delivered, which had a big ol' gouge in the front corner, so we have to exchange via! But other than that, I got cracking on my papers again before finding out we could go pick up the kitty we adopted a couple of weeks ago. She's gorgeous; I'll post a picture as soon as I can. (Name: Clio Satine "The Iconoclast.")

Sunday: Missed church, which I'm sad about, but it happens. :( Got breakfast. Wrote and read for four hours straight. Introduced the kitties to each other. Lots of hissing (on Turk's side). He's a bit of an only child. Dinner with the Lakes, wherein I receieved totally awesome cups and saucers from SBUX (with fall leaf motifs...I'm so excited!!!), and a Borders gift certificate. Needless to say I lost no time in putting that one to good use. Bought a few books (Swann's Way, The House of the Seven Gables, Jacob's Room). Came home, marathoned on paper.

Going to bed. GREAT WEEKEND! Can't it be longer?

1 comment:

univrsltransl8r said...

WOW! That sounds awesome, and busy! I usually don't even remember what I did on the weekend. I guess I'll have to start blogging it so I can remember when people ask me, "what did you do this weekend?"