Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shiver Me Timbers!

Happy talk like a pirate day, me maties! I've been trying to get pirate speak to catch on all day, but no one wants to play with me for more than a sentence or two. Yarrr.

And in other news, Aristophanes Turkish Lake "The Destroyer" (the full title of our adorable russian blue kitty who is currently sprawled across my keyboard) will be receiving a little brother in the semi-near future. Name to be determined. Since Turkish was named after philosopher and Snatch character, we're thinking we have to follow the trend. Current working title is Friedrich Bullet-Tooth Tony. Note I said working title. The other option is just to use Jason Stratham characters, which means we're considering Handsome Rob.

We shall see.


univrsltransl8r said...

Oh, man! Sarah and I love that name "Handsome Rob!"
We never even call Jason Stratham by his real name. We only call him "Handsome Rob." LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's official. Handsome Rob is now the front-runner for new kitty boy.

Yes! Willhelm Handsome Rob "The Accomplice to The Destroyer." Whatcha think?